Saturday, November 22, 2008


What is it after death? That's everyone's questions. I always feel that the day i close my eyes for good, I will know what it is, whether there is there God? Heaven? Hell? .. though i wont be able to tell u from there, and, even if i can tell u what it is over the other side, would u hv believed me? U might doubt me, so i guess everyone will hv to wait for that very day, then, he or she will know.

Anyway, from my own humble analogy, there are 4 possibilities after death.
  1. Darkness/Nothing
  2. Confusion
  3. The One Truth
  4. Land of Beliefs
1. Darkness/Nothing - Jus like in what it is for 月 the manga Deathnote, Total darkness, Nothing. Blank. But, believing in this would mean doing good and doing bad when alife makes no difference. But having said that, believing in this possibility doesnt mean u hv to be a bad guy. Being good to ppl is not neccessary because u are scared that if u dun be good, u will burn in hell or wat. it should be from the heart.(Disclaimer: i dun mean i am someone good from the heart).

Okay, since this option is Nothing, then there is apparently nothing i can eleborate. Lets move on.

2. Confusion - There is something, but, too bad, you still dun know wat the truth is. Itz jus like being human, except u are a ghost instead, u can float, scare ppl, go thru walls, dun feel hungry, or eat candles. But, u jus still dun know the Truth! hah. so just can stay around, searching for the truth, or, waiting for the truth to come fetch u back.

3. The One Truth - Yup, this One Truth meaning, no matter which religion u belong to, there is only one kind of God. Say if the One Truth is that Buddha is the real God, then even if u die as a Christian, u will hv to face it, say hello to Buddha and make friends forever with him (haha). And of course, this would mean that there is probaly heaven and hell, so good luck to u (and me). And this would mean also that u will hv to live for eternity over there, unless, of course if it happens to be a Buddha Truth, u might hv to be reincarnating into pigs or dogs or humans, and carry on the cycle to see whats up in the next next century (depending on how long yr stay in hell is also).

4. Land of Belief - This is something i thought i might be right abt. U go to where u believe in. But yr believe must be strong. If not, maybe u go into option one after death (Darkness/Nothing, since that was wat u believe in mah..) In this option, after death, if u are a faithful Christian, u will go to heaven, u will live peacefully there. If u are a buddhist, u will go meet Buddha and all the other 佛s there. Hmm.. but, say if u belive in everything abit (abit like my case), then i guess lets hope for the best. it might be meet all the Gods session (if i am a faithful beliver in all), or, it might be a total mess(if all i feel i believe, but still hv alot of doubts). ha.

Why do I say i might be right abt this 4th option? Cuz, i always hv this feeling that miracles happens on ppl who really believes, who are really faithful to what they believed in. So, meaning, u believe in what, the what will be there for u (to save yr life, to help u). Okay, typed out all these, this option is starting to be clearer to me. This option means that there are Countries of Believes up there. Meaning, u go to the "country" that u believed when u are alive. I hope i am not confusing you.

Okay, so if it is not the first possibility, then, be prepared, cuz, any of the other 3 would mean that there is life after death, life as in might not be human form, could be spirit or wat. So, be prepared to lead an either fun and exciting, torturous etc life there, or, be prepared for to spend yr eternity there. Hmm.. cannot imagine, how do u spend eternities? Any experiences to share? haha... Probaly there might be PSPs there? Is there still sex differences? If there is, is there gg to be sex? Do u hv to work there? Oh no. i dun think i should carry one, cuz it would mean no difference to when one is alive. haha.

Okay, abit off the topic, i watched Doraemon, there is one story that got me pondering before, Nobita (大雄) once, with Dora's help, created a galaxy of his, with a whole new set of solar system, and therefore, with one planet that is like Earth. Of course, time there moves very fast, and therefore Nobita dun hv to wait long before there is life on that earth like planet. After life, sea animals start to appear, then, land animals, then humans, then humans evolve, then cities are built. So, meaning? Nobita is God of that earth like planet.

Okay, till now u might hv got wat i am trying to say, i was thinking, (i know this is showing disrespect to God out there but, jus thinking la... dun so serious leh) are we just one of the creations of some kids out there doing school projects? That means we are the creations, mockups of some future kids! hahaha... and, someone like Nobita created us, and we are worshipping him!! Gosh! haha.. Of course, hving said that, this is jus a crazy thinking. haha. Not classified as Point 5.

There is Point 6, itz an experience shared by my friend, he says there was a night he "feel asleep", and, he could not confirm whether he was dreaming or it was real, he remembered only Darkness, Nothing, for a while, then there was a Voice, the Voice told him he was Dead. So he asked the Voice, "Ok, i am dead, What now?" The Voice told him u hv to recall a moment in yr life now, 12 secs of it, say, 12 secs of a baseball game. Choose one of the 12 secs, which u liked best, and, after u made yr choice, the Darkness will change into that 12 secs, and, this 12 secs scene will be repeated, for eternity.

Thats was his experience. Creative? ya, i thought so, but, if 12 secs is gg to be repeatedly played, which 12 secs will u choose? also, is the replay gg to be conscious? or unconsciously? if it is coucious, then i guess no matter how great that 12 secs is, u better choose something more subtle, else, nothing will be as great if u were to be consciously replaying it right?

Lets see what happens after Death

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