Saturday, December 6, 2008


Finally.. recover from virus blues.. internet back to normal. it has been a very sianz 2 weeks. not tat i cannot live without internet, but it is quite difficult to do work from home without proper network. Searching for images for references has become such a pain when i got network proms.

Okay, like to hv an errata,


In the previous blog posts, we mentioned that the internet proms faced by booboo was cuz by his service provider. This has been found to be untrue, we are sorry for the inconvenience caused but we do like to use this chance to condemn Trojan. "Damn U Trojan!! To hell with u!"

I will be posting some photos of my Genting trip very soon. Meanwhile, i got to be busy with INVEST for this few days (yes, itz sat sun and mon, a holiday) cuz we are behind time liao.

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